


Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer en Cloud Gaming

Vous pouvez jouer à Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer en cloud gaming. Il est disponible sur 2 des 7 plateformes de cloud gaming que nous suivons quotidiennement.

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Shadow Jeu jouable
airgpu Jeu jouable
Playstation Cloud Jeu jouable
GeForce Now Jeu non jouable
Boosteroid Jeu non jouable
Xbox Cloud Jeu non jouable
Amazon Luna Jeu non jouable
Blacknut Jeu non jouable
Tenez-vous au courant de notre vérification de disponibilité quotidienne pour Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer sur les services de cloud gaming.

Vidéos et Images

Trailer Thumbnail

Description du jeu

The celestial planet Conceyta orbits with its moon in a dust- and gas-covered solar system. Within lurks an evil unknown to man that bears a danger so much greater than any threat yet witnessed. A dark, mysterious power has manifested itself in the depths of the gas giant, absorbing life and technology, and assimilating all in its wake. Spacecraft, pilots, androids, and computers: Nothing is safe. No one can escape the virus that infects all life forms, turning once brave heroes and peaceful colonists alike into ravaging, chaotic forces, fighting each other and infecting more in the process. Soulless technology and hate-driven humanoids are all that’s left of Earth’s once-proud fleet. The galaxy as we know it is threatening to fall apart. War, death, and bedlam have taken hold of civilisation. Humankind is at the brink of extinction. Those who aren’t yet infected–the resistance, a band of mercenaries, soldiers and civilians–are Earth’s final hope, and they have one goal in common: To stop the deadly infection and destroy the core of all evil, hidden in the depths of Conceyta. Scouts have undertaken a merciless mission to bring detailed plans and data on the location of the power and its defence line in a last attempt to save humankind. So it has come to be that the last remaining pilot, a mercenary and bounty hunter, is the only chance of survival, ironically driven by the desire for wealth and fame. Left with little choice, the resistance has developed a star fighter capable of intercepting the evil force, equipped with a deadly weapon system and of utmost agility. With no time to lose, the 10th and final prototype of the ship is handed to the pilot. Its name: “Sldner-X”. Should the pilot succeed, his name shall live on in the memories of man forever to come. And so the battle begins.


Tous les faits et données concernant Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer sur le cloud gaming.

Données de cloud gaming

Plates-formes de cloud gaming disponiblesairgpu et Playstation Cloud
Appareils disponiblesPC, console, tablette, smartphone, télévision et et tout appareil doté d'un navigateur moderne

Données du jeu

Date de sortie14.12.2007
DéveloppeurSideQuest Studios
Site Officiel
Thanks to and Steam for providing us parts of this data!

Foire aux questions

Il vous reste des questions sur Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer on cloud ? Notre FAQ est là pour y répondre.

Peut-on jouer à Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer sur toutes les plateformes de cloud gaming ?

Oui, vous pouvez jouer à Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer sur le cloud gaming. Pour le moment, il est disponible sur 2 services de cloud gaming. Consultez le détail de la disponibilité ici.

Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer est-il accessible gratuitement sur le cloud gaming ?

Malheureusement, Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer n'est pas disponible en free-to-play sur les plates-formes de cloud gaming.

Sur quelles plateformes de cloud gaming Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer est-il disponible ?

Si vous cherchez à jouer à Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer en cloud gaming, voici les plateformes qui le proposent :

  • airgpu
  • Playstation Cloud

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