
Sony Computer Entertainment


Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su Cloud Gaming

Potrai giocare a Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su cloud gaming. È disponibile su 1 delle 7 piattaforme di cloud gaming che monitoriamo giornalmente.

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Video & Immagini

Descrizione del gioco

The world of Arc: Twilight of the Spirits is populated by two races: human and Deimos. The two races prefer to avoid contact with each other, but both depend on the Spirit Stones to sustain the balance in the world. Recently, the human army began sweeping across the lands, taking over countries. This army is going after the five great Spirit Stones. The Spirits, however, are determined to prevent this; to achieve their goal, they choose two heroes who would eventually be able to unite the two races in a battle for justice. One of them a is a human nobleman named Kharg, who hates the Deimos and is planning revenge; another is a Deimos slave named Darc, who dreams of uniting and commanding his race. Will the two heroes be able to put aside their differences and save the world?.. Arc: Twilight of the Spirits is the fourth entry in the Arc the Lad series. Like its two immediate predecessors, the game has tactical battles which allow free positioning and movement of the characters on the combat field. However, the game is closer to being a “regular” Japanese-style role-playing game rather than a tactical RPG. The player controls a relatively small party (up to six active combatants), and is able to explore towns and dungeons in a standard RPG fashion. In the beginning, the game puts the player into control of Kharg, but afterwards the chapters alternate between the human hero and Darc, each with his own party. Characters can use a variety of techniques, accumulating SP (spirit points) in battles and them using them to learn special attacks.

Scheda informativa

Tutte le informazioni e i dati relativi a Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su cloud gaming.

Dati sul cloud gaming

Piattaforme di cloud gaming disponibiliPlaystation Cloud
Dispositivi disponibiliDesktop e console

Dati del gioco

GenereRole-playing (RPG), Turn-based strategy (TBS), Tactical, Adventure
Data di Uscita20.03.2003
SviluppatoreCattle Call
EditoreSony Computer Entertainment
Sito Ufficiale
Thanks to and Steam for providing us parts of this data!

Domande frequenti

Hai ancora domande su Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su cloud? Le nostre FAQ sono qui per qualunque chiarimento.

Posso giocare a Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su qualunque piattaforma di cloud gaming?

Sì, è possibile giocare a Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su cloud gaming. Attualmente è disponibile su 1 servizi di cloud gaming. Per visualizzare le informazioni dettagliate sulla disponibilità, dai un’occhiata qui.

Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits è disponibile gratuitamente su cloud gaming?

No, purtroppo Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits non è offerto come opzione free-to-play da nessuna delle piattaforme di cloud gaming.

Su quali piattaforme di cloud gaming è disponibile Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits?

Se desideri giocare a Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits su cloud gaming, ecco le piattaforme nel quale viene offerto:

  • Playstation Cloud

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