


Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce en Cloud Gaming

Vous pouvez jouer à Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce en cloud gaming. Il est disponible sur 1 des 7 plateformes de cloud gaming que nous suivons quotidiennement.

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Tenez-vous au courant de notre vérification de disponibilité quotidienne pour Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce sur les services de cloud gaming.

Vidéos et Images

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Description du jeu

Koei brings us again a new addition to the Dynasty Warriors series. This installment still features the same storyline based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with the various officers as playable characters. The character list and appearance is the same as in Dynasty Warriors 6, meaning some of the previous game’s characters are not available. The difference in this one is that the player is allowed to choose only one character for the chosen force (either Wei, Wu or Shu) who starts in a village that will act as the hub, or camp, from which the game battles are accessed. By completing story missions, some characters are added and can be played as without starting a new game, meaning all acquired weapons, items and materials will be kept. The chosen character can be customized in various ways. Apart from the main weapon, one sub weapon, chosen from many weapon types, can be equipped. Both weapons can be switched anytime during battle, to accommodate the situation. A new addition is the Chi system which allows to set special abilities to the character, there are four slots to equip Chi (the two arms and legs). Weapons can also be customized by adding Orbs that give different abilities, such as elemental properties. In the village, the player can exchange materials, buy weaponry, items for use in battle, Chi skills and Orbs. Some NPC’s may appear in the village, some giving materials or items, or Officer cards, which can be set to help the Village’s growth. Over time, better items can be acquired from the shops. By talking to the quest board or the Guard at the village’s gate, main Missions or Requests can be chosen. Each battle is a series of small maps where various enemy soldiers and weaponry are fought, eventually leading to the commander of the enemy army. The goal of each battle can vary, some are classic goals like “Defeat the Commander” and some, less battle oriented, like “Retrieve all treasure boxes”. In addition, there also are bonus missions that require the player to defeat a particular unit, reaching a certain point before a certain time, etc. Each bonus mission gives extra experience points upon completion. Other new additions to the battle system are the possibility to have aerial battles, and the main feature of the game: the Fury Mode, unleashed when the Fury gauge (replacing the traditional Musou gauge) is full. The furied character has better stats and move sets, and can unleash the infamous Musou attack to deal some extra damage. To add to the surreal look of the game, some new bosses are actually massive beast-like weapons, and usually require the help of other players to defeat them. Multiplayer mode is available only via AdHoc connection, and can connect up to four players.


Tous les faits et données concernant Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce sur le cloud gaming.

Données de cloud gaming

Plates-formes de cloud gaming disponiblesPlaystation Cloud
Appareils disponiblesPC et console

Données du jeu

GenreRole-playing (RPG), Hack and slash/Beat ’em up, Adventure
Date de sortie26.02.2009
DéveloppeurOmega Force
Site Officiel
Thanks to  igdb.com and Steam for providing us parts of this data!

Foire aux questions

Il vous reste des questions sur Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce on cloud ? Notre FAQ est là pour y répondre.

Peut-on jouer à Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce sur toutes les plateformes de cloud gaming ?

Oui, vous pouvez jouer à Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce sur le cloud gaming. Pour le moment, il est disponible sur 1 services de cloud gaming. Consultez le détail de la disponibilité ici.

Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce est-il accessible gratuitement sur le cloud gaming ?

Malheureusement, Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce n'est pas disponible en free-to-play sur les plates-formes de cloud gaming.

Sur quelles plateformes de cloud gaming Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce est-il disponible ?

Si vous cherchez à jouer à Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce en cloud gaming, voici les plateformes qui le proposent :

  • Playstation Cloud

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